Capture Plan Assessment

Strengthen Your Capture Strategy: Capture Plan Assessment

Is your capture plan optimized for success? Shipley's Capture Plan Assessment provides a comprehensive evaluation to identify areas for improvement and ensure your strategy is on the right track.

Here's how it benefits you:

  • Uncover Hidden Weaknesses: Our experienced professionals will meticulously examine your capture plan and identify any potential gaps or areas that could hinder your success.
  • Gain Valuable Insights: Receive a detailed report with actionable recommendations to optimize your capture strategy for maximum impact.
  • Increased Win Rates: A robust capture plan is the foundation for winning bids. We'll help you develop a winning strategy that sets you apart from the competition.
Service Description

What You Get:

A Capture Plan Assessment offers a comprehensive analysis of your existing capture strategy, leveraging industry-leading Shipley best practices to identify areas for improvement and optimize your win rates. Here's how it empowers you:

Sharpen Your Focus & Maximize Resources:

  • Weakness Identification & Shipley Best Practices: We uncover areas hindering your competitiveness, analyzing your plan through the lens of established Shipley best practices. This ensures your strategy aligns with industry standards for capture excellence.
  • Optimized Resource Allocation: We help you ensure your resources (personnel, budget, expertise) are distributed effectively to maximize the impact of your capture efforts.

Mitigate Risks & Increase Wins:

  • Proactive Risk Mitigation: We identify potential risks that could derail your capture process and develop strategies to address them before they become obstacles.
  • Win-Focused Strategy: By identifying weaknesses and optimizing resource allocation, we help you develop a capture strategy that positions you for success in securing new business opportunities.

Gain Valuable Insights & Streamline for Action:

  • Data-Driven Decision Making & Enhanced Communication: Our assessment provides data-driven insights to support informed decision-making throughout the capture process. We also help foster improved communication and collaboration within your capture team, ensuring everyone is aligned with the optimized strategy.
  • Streamlined Process & Benchmarking & Competitive Analysis: We identify ways to streamline your capture process, minimizing wasted effort and maximizing efficiency. We also benchmark your capture plan against industry standards and analyze competitor strategies, providing valuable insights to inform your approach.
  • Clear Recommendations: You'll receive a comprehensive report with clear and actionable recommendations for improvement, allowing you to implement changes and optimize your capture plan for success.

Engage a Consultant

Whether you need help developing win strategies, win themes, or organizing your response for a compelling, customer-focused response, Shipley is ready to help. We can be onsite with your team or provide virtual support. End-to-end proposal management provides clients with the assurance that a proposal will be the best sales document possible—while being compliant and responsive. Balancing the tactical aspects of a proposal while providing team leadership are qualities all Shipley Proposal Managers bring to a project.

Our results in numbers



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What Our Clients Say

Here is what our clients have to say about their experiences and success stories working with Shipley consultants.

"The guidance you provided on our capture plan helped us re-evaluate and re-direct our win strategy on this must-win competitive bid. Thank you for helping us better understand our competitive position on this critical capture effort. We know we've enhanced our win based on your input."
SVP Strategic Capture Management, Global Defense Contractor
"Shipley's technical expertise, extensive knowledge and interpersonal skills enabled us to validate our capture strategy to the Senior Leadership. Your professionalism and can-do attitude truly reflected the best business practices that Shipley brings to the table."
Director, Multi National Aerospace and Defense Contractor
"Your proposal leadership on this complex proposal was invaluable. You were able to harness our resources and bring together a compelling story for our customer while maintaining calm - even in a very chaotic environment with us and our teaming partners."
Director of Program Development, Healthcare IT Firm
"As a small business, we were looking for a tool that would give us an edge over our competition. The Shipley Proposal Guide has given us that competitive advantage. The Guide's organization is intuitive, information relevant, and has quickly become the most powerful tool in our proposal development arsenal."
Director of Business Development
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates
Icon - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Why Shipley?

The most qualified and diverse cadre of capture and proposal resources in the industry
Industry-proven tools, techniques, and processes for getting it done right; on time and on budget
Task order, quick-turn response support to minimize overhead and respond quickly
A flexible engagement management approach with practitioners leading project oversight
A partner that supports clients with a winning discipline, globally
A national recruiting system to attract and retain capture and proposal talent to meet specific needs