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Problem/Solution—Capture Support during Proposal Development
While the proposal team is separate from the capture or opportunity team, this shouldn’t automatically sever any communication between them...

Color Team Reviews—Who to Invite and Why
Most of us know how vital color team reviews are to ensuring a well-written, concise solution for our customers. But these reviews can get tricky and become ineffective if we’re not careful. During Shipley’s most recent webinar on color team reviews, we were asked many questions about how to hold effective reviews. But, by far, the most popular question was, “who do I invite?”The answer? It depends on the size, scope, and complexity of the pursuits as well as the size and mission of your organization. Color team reviews should be tailored to fit the environment and the pursuit size and complexity.

Holding a Personal Lessons Learned Review
Color team reviews are held to strengthen engagement efforts. Once the proposal has been submitted, ideally, you hold a Lessons Learned, or White Hat, review. A Lessons Learned review gathers information from the customer and your own observations to determine what can be improved in your next proposal or capture opportunity.